23 June, 2010

Dirt, Sand, and Mud

I realize as I sit here feeding my blog a few updates that my comfort level with all things dirty has changed significantly. How did this happen? I literally just reached down and scratched my ankle and my entire hand is now dirty! It is like a magnetic attraction or something. My friend have just laughed at this and so I thought I should share the moment.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not OCD or anything, but I like to wash and be clean. Well, after 10 months of walking in the sand and charcoal mixed roads, that turn to muddy lakes whenever it rains, I guess I just accept the fact my feet are never going to be clean again. I paint my toenails to hide the dirt and if I walk on certain streets then the dirt looks more like a nice tan on my lower legs. I have house shoes that I change into at the door...I try at least.

Then there is the ever present sand in my sandals, on the floor of my house, and even in my sheets! I loathed the sand so I dusted and changed my sheets so frequently the first half of my stay here that it was funny. Now I just lay in the sand and think, what harm is it anyway? It will come back tomorrow. I'll sleep on smooth clean sheets in America for a few weeks.

I do realize that the majority of the sand in my house is due to the cutest monster dog in Africa. I hope our next house will maybe have some kind of ground cover with the sand so that the sand stays put in the yard more readily.

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